Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ramblings about my lack of Rambling

My it has been forever since I’ve updated this thing. Pole sana! (Very sorry in Swahili). I hope everyone had a happy holiday season! So much has happened since I last wrote that it’s a bit overwhelming, and I’ll prob have to catch y’all up over several entries. So let’s dive in shall we?

Soo I think the first big piece of news is that I moved! Now usually I’m all about embracing new things, but I’ll admit that I was less than thrilled to receive the news that I’d be transferring sites. The reasons for this are (in true Tanzanian style) anything but simple, and could easily eat up all of my precious time at the internet café. The short version is that a new headmaster came to my school and he needed my house for himself and his family. The longer version involves some factors that have become known since Peace Corps placed me that make them (and me too if I force myself to think about it with my head and not my heart) want to keep me out of the situation. That’s not to say I didn’t kick and scream (in a mature and culturally appropriate way, of course) at the decision. Most of you know what a pain in the ass I can be. But it’s amazing how attached I’d become to my school and village after only two and a half months there.

So where am I now? It’s a village outside of Katesh, which is a teeny tiny town that’s only about an hour and a half drive north-east of Singida town. In the scheme of things, it’s really not that far. But a new village, a new set of students, a new local language, a new banking town, a new set of routines and norms to learn… it might as well be the other side of the country.
So it goes.

“I’m getting tired of starting again, somewhere new.”


  1. Hello Melinda, Happy Late Holiday from Sandy and Carlo we were a bit worried about you since you havent posted any updates, we miss you allot and hope the fustration of moving and starting all over ends quick, Hang in there , Just think of the stories you will hbe sharing when you come home we cannot wait. When you come home will all get together and have a Party at Our house and cook some Smoked meats of your choice. Just know that the Montisano Family misses you allot and are very proud of what you are doing for thease kids. Keep the Posts comming. Sandy and I sent you a package in November before Thanksgiving we hope you recieved it if not maybe you can inquire about it if you get the chance if not some will enjoy the goodies we sent. Love you always!! Carlo and Sandy

  2. Hi Uncle Carlo and Aunt Sandy! Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine, just been travelling lots and haven't had a chance to post. Or to get your package, unfortunately it was sitting in my post box for ages while I was out travelling. But I did get it, and it was great! I loved the clothes, and the yummy smelling candle, and I was totally needing shampoo. And the panettone completely made my day. Thanks so much for everything!!
    I miss you guys too!! The idea of your guys' awesome smoked meat literally makes my mouth water. Hope all is well in Redwood City! Love you!
